About our company
We are based in the HILLS Shire Business Hub. Our Company was formed in 2017, and we have helped thousands of homes and businesses harness nature's power. In addition, it has saved heaps on electricity bills, sometimes eliminating the energy costs, earning credit towards the electricity bills.
We value our customers and propose and install only quality products with the best installation practices, which have helped them maximize the benefits of the solar system. In addition, it helps us get rewarded with word of mouth and friends and family referrals.
We focus on getting reliable products at very affordable prices while focusing on the quality of installation along the way. This has helped us grow not rapidly but gradually and gain the trustworthiness of our valued customers.
Our Goal
Our mission is to harness the Godly power of the Sun and enable a shift towards a more clean, safe and renewable energy future that is sustainable and cost-effective.
Our Team
No business cannot succeed without a good team. We believe in the word itself:
T - Together
E - Everyone
A - Achieves
M - More
Everyone, YES! That starts with our valued customers being a part of the team.
We are a small team of qualified professionals, and we do our best to get the best possible Solar PV solution at very competitive pricing with a quality installation. We do in-house system design and engineering for bigger projects. We have experienced and reliable CEC (Clean energyCouncil) accredited install teams. Our focus is always honest advice and the best possible solution at competitive pricing.
We use only reliable products that have been best tested and trialled in the Australian environment and have local representation and support by the manufacturer.
Solar That Is Smart - Accountable and Connected
We encourage our customers always to let us connect the solar PV system for smart solar PV monitoring. It logs in all the production data and triggers alarms in case of any faults so that it can be rectified quicker and solar performance can be checked live from anywhere.
Local Support Team
We have a local support team and so in case of any after sale support or ongoing support we are here to help.
Local Office & Showroom
We are based in Castle Hill business precinct so that is centre to most of our service areas. You are more than welcome to visit our showroom by appointment.
Expert Consultation
We believe every household is different; every roof is different, and every customer has different energy demands and has different objectives and budgets; that is why we always consult and do site inspections so that we can be the best possible solution for your needs.
Competitive Pricing
To give the best solution with reliable and quality products with high-quality installation and workmanship is costly. However, we do our best to keep the pricing very competitive fair and affordable in the market.
CEC (Clean Energy Council) Accredited Installers
We use our very experienced CEC-accredited installers to get a quality and reliable install every time.
Highly Rated Client Testimonials and Satisfaction
We do our level best, and in return, our customers have highly rated and referred us to their friends and family members. Please check our Google reviews here (https://bit.ly/3AAd0l4).

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